With a focus on the normal and abnormal mechanical interactions between the muscles and joints of the body, Neumann’s Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System, 4th Edition provides a foundation for the practice of physical rehabilitation. This comprehensive, research-based core text explores kinesiology as it relates to physical rehabilitation in a clinically relevant and accessible manner. It presents the language of human movement — and acts as a bridge between basic science and clinical management. It helps clinicians effectively address the mechanical-based changes in movement across a person’s lifespan, whether in the context of rehabilitation, recreation, or promotion of health and wellness. Full-color anatomic and kinesiologic illustrations clearly demonstrate the anatomy, functional movement, and biomechanical principles underlying movement and posture. An eBook version, included with print purchase, provides access to all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. The eBook included with print purchase also features multiple excellent videos of anatomic and kinesiologic principles, answers to study questions from the print book, and additional tables and figures.
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Author Information
By Donald A. Neumann, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA, Professor, Department of Physical Therapy and Exercise Science, College of Health Sciences, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Section 1: Essential Topics of Kinesiology
1. Getting Started
2. Arthrology: The Study of the Structure and Function of Human Joints
3. Muscle: The Primary Stabilizer and Mover of the Skeletal System
4. Biomechanical Principles for Understanding Movement
Appendix I: Trigonometry Review and Anthropometric Data
Section II: Upper Extremity
5. Shoulder Complex
6. Elbow and Forearm
7. Wrist
8. Hand
Appendix II: Reference Materials for Muscle Attachments and Innervations, Muscle Cross-Sectional Areas, and Dermatomes of the Upper Extremity
Section III: Axial Skeleton
9. Axial Skeleton: Osteology and Arthrology
10. Axial Skeleton: Muscle and Joint Interactions
11. Kinesiology of Mastication and Ventilation
Appendix III: Reference Materials for the Cauda Equina, and Attachments, Innervations, and Selected Moment Arms of Muscles of the Axial Skeleton
Section IV: Lower Extremity
12. Hip
13. Knee
14. Ankle and Foot
15. Kinesiology of Walking
16. Kinesiology of Running
Appendix IV: Reference Materials for Muscle Attachments and Innervations, Muscle Cross-Sectional Areas, and Dermatomes of the Lower Extremity
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