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Daniels and Worthingham's Muscle Testing 11e 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 180,000원 11%↓
  • 판매가 : 160,000원
  • 적립금 : 3,000원
  • 저자명 : Avers
  • 출판사 : Elsevier
  • PAGE : 448
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2024년 06월 14일
  • ISBN : 9780323824200

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도서 소개

상품 상세설명

이 책의 특징

Daniels and Worthingham's Muscle Testing, 11th Edition offers the clear information needed to master procedures and enhance clinical decision making in manual muscle testing and performance testing. Comprehensive discussion of the value of strength testing with clear, illustrated instructions provide a detailed guide to patient positioning, clinician instructions, and application of skill. In addition to updated muscle testing of normal individuals and others with weakness or paralysis, this edition includes updated information on alternative strength and performance tests for all adult populations. Updated comprehensive coverage for muscle dynamometry and ideal exercises enhances this texts’ relevance for today’s clinician. An eBook version included with print purchase provides access to all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.

New to this edition

  • Updated content throughout provides the most current information needed to be an effective practitioner.
  • Updated references ensure content is current and applicable for today’s practice.
  • NEW! eBook version included with print purchase provides access to all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Plus, the eBook includes video clips and bonus Ready Reference Anatomy and Assessment of Muscles Innervated by Cranial Nerves content.

Key Features

  • Drawings and arrows, along with clear written directions, make it easy to understand and perform muscle testing procedures to assess deficits in strength, balance, and range of motion.
  • More than 500 illustrations clearly show testing sequences, muscle anatomy, and muscle innervation.
  • Content on the muscle dynamometer and muscle dynamometry data introduces you to muscle dynamometry, including muscle dynamometer methods and results with each muscle.
  • Ideal exercises for selected muscles thoroughly explain procedures based on the literature.
  • Chapter on functional performance testing covers functional strength testing in older adults and those with functional decline, and testing muscle performance in various clinical settings.
  • Chapter on strength testing for active populations includes a variety of tests appropriate for many settings with reference data for comparison.
  • Chapters on manual muscle testing address how to enhance the reliability and validity of manual muscle testing and other practical considerations of manual muscle testing.
  • Details of muscle anatomy and innervation help in linking muscle topography with function.
  • Clinical Relevance and Substitutions boxes provide additional tips and highlight muscle substitutions that may occur during a test to ensure greater accuracy.
  • A constant reference number clearly identifies each muscle in the body, indexed in the Alphabetical List of Muscles by Region as well as in the Ready Reference Anatomy chapter in the eBook included with print purchase, to speed cross-referencing and help you quickly identify any muscle.

Author Information

By Dale Avers, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA, Professor, Department of Physical Therapy Education, College of Health Professions, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York; Donovan J. Lott, PT, PhD, CSCS and Marybeth Brown, PT, PhD, FACSM, FAPTA, Professor Department of Physical Therapy University of Missouri School of Health Professions Columbia, Missouri

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

1. Principles of Manual Muscle Testing

2. Relevance and Limitations of Manual Muscle Testing

3. Testing the Muscles of the Neck

4. Testing the Muscles of the Trunk and Pelvic Floor

5. Testing the Muscles of the Upper Extremity

6. Testing the Muscles of the Lower Extremity

7. Alternatives to Manual Muscle Testing

8. Testing Functional Performance

9. Handheld Muscle Dynamometry

10. Case StudiesAssessment of Muscles Innervated by Cranial NervesReady Reference Anatomy


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