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Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 9/e(US) 요약정보 및 구매

  • 정가 : 88,000원 9%↓
  • 판매가 : 80,000원
  • 적립금 : 1,000원
  • 저자명 : Ivor Benjamin
  • 출판사 : Saunders
  • PAGE : 960
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2015.05
  • ISBN : 9781437718997

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도서 소개

상품 상세설명

Students, residents, and instructors swear by Andreoli and Carpenter’s Cecil Essentials of Medicine because it presents just the right amount of information, just the right way. Edited by the late Thomas E. Andreoli, MD as well as Ivor Benjamin, MD, Robert C. Griggs, MD, and Edward J. Wing, MD, it focuses on core principles and how they apply to patient care, covering everything you need to know to succeed on a medical rotation or residency. Masterful editing and a user-friendly full-color design make absorbing and retaining information as effortless as possible, and Student Consult online access offers convenient, flexible reference to the complete contents of the book plus additional clinical photos and radiologic images, videos demonstrating procedures, audio recordings of heart and lung sounds, and more.



New to This Edition

      • Excellent images and clinical photographs vividly illustrate the appearance and clinical features of disease.
      • Masterful editing and a user-friendly full-color design make absorbing and retaining information as effortless as possible.

      • Web icons throughout the printed book call your attention to additional content available online thorough Student Consult.

Key Features

    • 해외주문 도서로 2~3주 기간이 소요예정입니다
      • New chapters on "Pre- and Post-Operative Care" and "Palliative Care," plus the integration of molecular biology and other new horizons in medicine, familiarize you with the most current clinical concepts.

      • Student Consult online access offers convenient, flexible reference to the complete contents of the book plus additional clinical photos and radiologic images, videos demonstrating procedures, audio recordings of heart and lung sounds, and more.

      • An expanded International Editorial Board provides increased input from respected practitioners worldwide.


도서 목차

상품 상세설명

Section I: Introduction to Molecular Medicine

1. Molecular Basis of Human Disease

  Ivor J. Benjamin

Section II: Cardiovascular Disease

2. Structure and Function of the Normal Heart and Blood Vessels

  Nicole Lohr and Ivor J. Benjamin

3. Evaluation of the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

  James Kleczka and Ivor J. Benjamin

4. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

  Ivor J. Benjamin and James Macioch

5. Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy

  Claudius Mahr, Nunzio Gaglianello and Ivor J. Benjamin

6. Congenital Heart Disease

  Michael G. Earing

7. Acquired Valvular Heart Disease

  Timothy Woods

8. Coronary Heart Disease

  Michael P. Cinquegrani

9. Cardiac Arrhythmias

  James A. Roth, Marci Berger and Jason C. Rubenstein

10. Pericardial and Myocardial Disease

  Jennifer L. Strande, Panayotis Fasseas and Ivor J. Benjamin

11. Other Cardiac Topics

  Robert Love, Mohamed F. Algahim and Ivor J. Benjamin

12. Vascular Diseases and Hypertension

  Ronald G. Victor and Wanpen Vongpatanasin

Section III: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

13. The Lung in Health and Disease

  Sharon Rounds and Matthew Jankowich

14. General Approach to Patients with Respiratory Disorders

  Brian Casserly and Sharon Rounds

15. Evaluating Lung Structure and Function

  Jigme Sethi and F. Dennis McCool

16. Obstructive Lung Diseases

  Matthew Jankowich

17. Interstitial Lung Diseases

  Jason M. Aliotta and Matthew Jankowich

18. Pulmonary Vascular Disease

  Sharon Rounds and Matthew Jankowich

19. Disorders of Respiratory Control

  Sharon Rounds and Matthew Jankowich

20. Disorders of the Pleura, Mediastinum, and Chest Wall

  Eric Gartman and F. Dennis McCool

21. Infectious Diseases of the Lung

  Brian Casserly and Sharon Rounds

22. Essentials In Critical Care Medicine

  Brian Casserly and Sharon Rounds

23. Neoplastic Disorders of the Lung

  Jason M. Aliotta

Section IV: Preoperative and Postoperative Care

24. Preoperative and Postoperative Care

  Prashant Vaishnava and Kim Eagle

Section V: Renal Disease

25. Elements of Renal Structure and Function

  Orson W. Moe and Biff F. Palmer

26. Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

  Rajiv Agarwal and Biff F. Palmer

27. Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders

  Biff F. Palmer

28. Glomerular Diseases

  Fernando Fervenza and Biff F. Palmer

29. Major Nonglomerular Disorders

  Ramesh Saxena and Biff F. Palmer

30. Vascular Disorders of the Kidney

  Jeffrey S. Berns and Biff F. Palmer

31. Acute Kidney Injury

  Mark A. Perazella, Jeffrey Turner and Biff F. Palmer

32. Chronic Renal Failure

  Kerri L. Cavanaugh, T. Alp Ikizler and Biff F. Palmer

Section VI: Gastrointestinal Disease

33. Common Clinical Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disease

  Michael Wolfe

A. Abdominal Pain

  Charles M. Bliss Jr. and Michael Wolfe

B. Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

  D. Roy Ferguson and Michael Wolfe

C. Malabsorption

  Elihu Schimmel, Sharmeel Wasan and Michael Wolfe

D. Diarrhea

  John S. Maxwell and Michael Wolfe

34. Endoscopic and Imaging Procedures

  Christopher S. Huang and Michael Wolfe

35. Esophageal Disorders

  Carla Maradey-Romero, Ronnie Fass and Michael Wolfe

36. Diseases of the Stomach and Duodenum

  Robert C. Lowe and Michael Wolfe

37. Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  Hannah Miller, Francis A. Farraye and Michael Wolfe

38. Diseases of the Pancreas

  David Lichtenstein and Michael Wolfe

Section VII: Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System

39. Laboratory Tests in Liver Disease

  Shaheryar A. Siddiqui and Michael B. Fallon

40. Jaundice

  Klaus E. Mönkemüller, Helmut Neumann and Michael B. Fallon

41. Acute and Chronic Hepatitis

  Jenjung Pan and Michael B. Fallon

42. Acute Liver Failure

  Brendan Martin McGuire and Michael B. Fallon

43. Cirrhosis of the Liver and its Complications

  Shaheryar A. Siddiqui and Michael B. Fallon

44. Disorders of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tract

  Matthew P. Spinn and Michael B. Fallon

Section VIII: Hematologic Disease

45. Hematopoiesis and Hematopoietic Failure

  Eunice S. Wang and Nancy Berliner

46. Clonal Disorders of the Hematopoietic Stem Cell

  Eunice S. Wang and Nancy Berliner

47. Disorders of Red Blood Cells

  Michal G. Rose and Nancy Berliner

48. Clinical Disorders of Neutrophils

  Michal G. Rose and Nancy Berliner

49. Disorders of Lymphocytes

  Jill Lacy and Stuart Seropian

50. Normal Hemostasis

  Christine S. Rinder and Henry M. Rinder

51. Disorders of Hemostasis: Bleeding

  Christopher Anthony Tormey and Henry M. Rinder

52. Disorders of Hemostasis: Thrombosis 580

  Richard Torres and Henry M. Rinder

Section IX: Oncologic Disease

53. Cancer Biology and Etiologic Factors

  Aram Hezel and Alok Khorana

54. Cancer Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention

  Gary H. Lyman, Nicole Kuderer and Alok Khorana

55. Principles of Cancer Therapy

  Davendra Sohal and Alok Khorana

56. Lung Cancer

  Patrick C. Ma and Alok Khorana

57. Gastrointestinal Cancers

  Davendra Sohal and Alok Khorana

58. Genitourinary Cancers

  Jorge A. Garcia, Brian Rini, Timothy D. Gilligan, Robert Dreicer and Alok Khorana

59. Breast Cancer

  Gary H. Lyman, Nicole Kuderer and Alok Khorana

60. Other Solid Tumors: Head/Neck, Sarcomas, Melanoma, Unknown Primary

  Michael McNamara and Alok Khorana

61. Complications of Cancer and Cancer Treatment

  Bassam Estfan and Alok Khorana

Section X: Endocrine Disease & Metabolic Disease

62. Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis

  Kawaljeet Kaur and Diana Maas

63. Thyroid Gland

  Theodore C. Friedman

64. Adrenal Gland

  Theodore C. Friedman

65. Male Reproductive Endocrinology

  Glenn D. Braunstein

66. Diabetes Mellitus, Hypoglycemia

  Robert J. Smith

67. Obesity and Eating Disorders

  Osama Hamdy and Robert J. Smith

68. Malnutrition, Nutritional Assessment, and Nutritional Support in Adult Patients

  Thomas Ziegler

69. Disorders of Lipid Metabolism

  Geetha Gopalakrishnan and Robert J. Smith

Section XI: Women's Health

70. Women?s Health Topics

  Kelly McGarry, Kimberly Babb, Laura Edmonds, Christine Duffy, Michelle Anvar and Jennifer Jeremiah

Section XII: Men's Health

71. Men's Health Topics

  Joseph A. Smith Jr. and Douglas Milam

Section XIII: Diseases of Bone and Bone Mineral Metabolism

72. Normal Physiology of Bone and Mineral Homeostasis

  Andrew F. Stewart

73. Disorders of Serum Minerals

  Andrew F. Stewart and Steven Hodak

74. Metabolic Bone Diseases

  Andrew F. Stewart and Mara J. Horwitz

75. Osteoporosis

  Susan L. Greenspan

Section XIV: Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disease

76. Approach to the Patient with Rheumatic Disease

  Niveditha Mohan

77. Rheumatoid Arthritis

  Larry W. Moreland

78. Spondyloarthropathies

  Douglas W. Lienesch

79. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

  Susan Manzi and Amy H. Kao

80. Scleroderma and Mixed Tissue Diseases

  Thomas Medsger and Robyn Domsic

81. Systemic Vasculitis

  Kimberly P. Liang

82. Crystal Arthropathies

  Ghaith Noaiseh

83. Osteoarthritis

  C. Kent Kwoh

84. Nonarticular Soft Tissue Disorders

  Niveditha Mohan

85. Rheumatic Manifestations of Systemic Disorders; Sjögren Syndrome

  Yong Gil Hwang

Section XV: Infectious Disease

86. Host Defenses Against Infection

  Bharat Ramratnam

87. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases

  Kimberle Chapin

88. Fever and Febrile Syndromes

  Ekta Gupta and Maria Denise Mileno

89. Bacteremia and Sepsis Syndrome

  Steven M. Opal and Russell McCulloh

90. Infections of the Nervous System

  Avindra Nath and Allan Tunkel

91. Infections of the Head and Neck

  Edward Wing

92. Infections of the Lower Respiratory Tract

  John R. Lonks

93. Infections of the Heart and Blood Vessels

  Eleftherios E. Mylonakis and Cheston B. Cunha

94. Skin and Soft Tissue Infections

  Sajeev Handa

95. Intra-Abdominal Abscess and Peritonitis

  Edward Wing

96. Infectious Diarrhea

  Awewura Kwara

97. Infections Involving Bones and Joints

  Jerome Larkin

98. Infections of the Urinary Tract

  Joao M. Travares and Steven M. Opal

99. Health Care-Associated Infections

  S Shaefer Spires and Tom Talbot

100. Sexually Transmitted Infections

  Philip A. Chan

101. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

  Brian Tucker Montague, Aadia Rana and Timothy Flanigan

102. Infections in the Immunocompromised Host

  Staci Fischer

103. Infectious Diseases of Travelers: Protozoal and Helminthic Infections

  Erna Milunka Kojic

Section XVI: Neurologic Disease

104. Neurologic Evaluation of the Patient

  Frederick J. Marshall

105. Disorders of Consciousness

  Mohamad Chmayssani and Paul Vespa

106. Disorders of Sleep

  Selim R. Benbadis

107. Cortical Syndromes

  Sinead M. Murphy and Timothy Counihan

108. Dementia and Memory Disturbances

  Frederick J. Marshall

109. Major Disorders of Mood, Thoughts, and Behavior

  Jeffrey M. Lyness

110. Autonomic Nervous System Disorders

  William P. Cheshire Jr.

111. Headache, Neck and Back Pain and Cranial Neuralgias

  Timothy Counihan

112. Disorders of Vision and Hearing

  Timothy Counihan

113. Dizziness and Vertigo

  Kevin A. Kerber

114. Disorders of the Motor System

  Kevin Michael Biglan

115. Developmental and Neurocutaneous Disorders

  Maxwell H. Sims and Jennifer M. Kwon

116. Cerebrovascular Disease

  Mitchell Elkind

117. Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury

  Geoff Ling

118. Epilepsy

  Michel Berg

119. Central Nervous System Tumors

  Lisa Rogers

120. Demyelinating and Inflammatory Disorders

  Anne Haney Cross

121. Neuromuscular Diseases: Disorders of the Motor Neuron and Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Disease

  Carlayne E. Jackson

122. Muscle Diseases

  Robert C. Griggs and Jeffrey M. Statland

123. Neuromuscular Junction Disease

  Emma Ciafaloni

Section XVII: Geriatrics

124. The Aging Patient

  Harvey Jay Cohen and Mitchell Heflin

Section XVIII: Palliative Care

125. Palliative Care

  Robert G. Holloway and Timothy Quill

Section XIX: Alcohol and Substance Abuse

126. Alcohol and Substance Abuse

  Richard A. Lange and L. David Hillis


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