도서 소개
상품 상세설명
뷚eatures concise and summary reviews on practical topics
뷞ncludes management algorithms for clarity
뷛rades bibliographic items for their level of evidence
뷥resents an excellent revision guide for those studying for board examinations
Designed for easy revision, the two volumes in this set review the evidence for best practice, presenting the reader
with the right information, in the right format, summarized in easy-to-use tables and algorithms. Each guideline is
designed to "make it easy to do it right", with appropriate use of proven interventions and no use of harmful
interventions. Plenty of evidence is available so that well-informed clinicians can reduce errors, so that the first
aim is ultimately to improve the health of mother and baby by providing quality.
Table of Contents
MATERNAL FETAL: Hypertensive disorders. Cardiac disease. Obesity. Pregestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes.
Hypothyroidism. Hyperthyroidism. Prolactinoma. Nausea/vomiting of pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum. Intrahepatic
cholestasis of pregnancy. Inflammatory bowel disease. Gallbladder disease. Pregnancy after liver and other
transplantation. Maternal anemia. Sickle cell disease. von Willebrand disease. Renal disease. Headache. Seizures.
Spinal cord injury. Mood disorders. Smoking. Drug abuse. Respiratory diseases: asthma, pneumonia, influenza, and
tuberculosis. Systemic lupus erythematosus. Antiphospholipid syndrome. Inherited thrombophilia. Venous thromboembolism
and anticoagulation. Hepatitis A. Hepatitis B. Hepatitis C. HIV. Gonorrhea. Chlamydia. Syphilis. Trichomonas. Group B
Streptococcus. Vaccination. Trauma. Critical care. Amniotic fluid embolism. Cancer. Dermatoses of pregnancy. Multiple
gestations. Fetal growth restriction. Fetal macrosomia. Cytomegalovirus. Toxoplasmosis. Parvovirus. Herpes. Varicella.
Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. Hemolytic disease of the fetus/neonate. Nonimmune hydrops fetalis.
Fetal death. Antepartum testing. Sonographic assessment of amniotic fluid: oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios. Fetal
maturity testing. OBSTETRIC: Preconception care. Prenatal care. Physiologic changes. Ultrasound. Prenatal diagnosis and
screening for aneuploidy. Carrier screening for inherited genetic conditions. Before labor and first stage of labor.
Second stage of labor. Third stage of labor. Intrapartum fetal monitoring. Analgesia and anesthesia. Operative vaginal
delivery. Cesarean delivery. Trial of labor after caesarean delivery. Early Recurrent pregnancy loss. Early pregnancy
loss. Preterm birth prevention in asymptomatic women. Preterm labor. Preterm premature rupture of membranes. Premature
rupture of membranes at or near term. Induction of labor. Intraamniotic infection. Meconium. Malpresentation and
malposition. Shoulder dystocia. Postpartum hemorrhage, retained placenta, and uterine inversion. Late-term and postterm
pregnancies. Placental disorders. Abruptio placentae. Postpartum care. The neonate. The adnexal mass. Cervical cancer
screening and management in pregnancy.
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