도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Introduction. The beginnings of human in vitro fertilization. Robert Edwards: The path to IVF. Establishing and
Maintaining an IVF Laboratory. Setting up an ART laboratory. Quality control: Maintaining stability in the laboratory.
The ART laboratory: Current standards. Gamete Collection, Preparation and Selection. Evaluation of sperm. Sperm
preparation techniques. Sperm chromatin assessment. Oocyte retrieval and selection. Preparation and evaluation of
oocytes for ICSI. Hyaluronic acid binding-mediated sperm selection for ICSI. Use of in vitro maturation in a clinical
setting: Patient populations and outcomes. Micromanipulation. Micromanipulation. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection:
Technical aspects. Assisted hatching. Human embryo biopsy procedures. Culture, Selection and Transfer of the Human
Embryo. Oocyte activation. Analysis of fertilization. Culture systems for the human embryo. Evaluation of embryo
quality: Analysis of morphology and quantification of nutrient utilization and the metabolome. Evaluation of embryo
quality: Time-lapse imaging to assess embryo morphokinetics. Evaluation of embryo quality: Proteomic strategies.
Cryopreservation. The human oocyte: Controlled rate cooling. The human oocyte: Vitrification. The human embryo: Slow
freezing. The human embryo: Vitrification. Managing an oocyte bank. Diagnosis of Genetic Disease in Preimplantation
Embryos. Severe male factor: Genetic consequences and recommendations for genetic testing. Polar body biopsy and its
clinical application. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for infertility. Genetic analysis of the embryo. Implantation.
The analysis of endometrial receptivity. Future Directions and Clinical Applications. Artificial gametes: The sperm.
Artificial gametes: The oocyte. Rejuvenating oocytes with young mitochondria. Chemical stimulation of the aged oocyte.
Microfluidics in ART: Towards automation of the IVF laboratory. Quality Management Systems. Quality management in
reproductive medicine. Patient Investigation and the Use of Drugs. Lifestyle, periconception, and fertility.
Indications for IVF treatment: From diagnosis to prognosis. Initial investigation of the infertile couple. Fertility
gene mapping. Prognostic testing for ovarian reserve. Drugs used for ovarian stimulation: Clomiphene citrate, aromatase
inhibitors, metformin, gonadotropins, gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs, and recombinant gonadotropins. The role
of FSH and LH in ovulation induction: Current concepts. Stimulation Protocols. Endocrine characteristics of ART cycles.
The use of GnRH agonists. GnRH-antagonists in ovarian stimulation for IVF. The use of AMH to tailor ovarian stimulation
for IVF. Monitoring ovarian response in IVF cycles. Oocyte collection. Luteal support in ART. Treatment strategies in
assisted reproduction for the poor responder patient. Repeated implantation failure. Technical Procedures and Outcomes.
Ultrasonography in assisted reproduction. Sperm recovery techniques: Clinical aspects. Processing and cryopreservation
of testicular sperm. Embryo transfer technique. Cycle regimes for frozen뻯hawed embryo transfer. Managing freeze all
oocytes. Anesthesia and in vitro fertilization. Medical considerations of single embryo transfer. Special Medical
Conditions. Endometriosis and ART. PCOS and assisted reproduction. Management of hydrosalpinx. Fertility preservation
strategies. Viral disease and Assisted Reproductive Techniques. Complications of Treatment. Severe ovarian
hyperstimulation syndrome. The environment and reproduction. Bleeding, severe pelvic infection, and ectopic pregnancy.
Iatrogenic multiple pregnancies: The risk of ART. 3D Ultrasound. Non-invasive prenatal testing. Egg Donation and
Surrogate Motherhood. Egg and
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