The definitive guide to understanding, diagnosing, and treating urologic disorders ' completely updated with the latest clinical developments
Smith & Tanagho's General Urology, 18th edition offers a complete overview of the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases and disorders managed by urologic surgeons. This trusted classic delivers a clear, concise presentation of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings, differential diagnosis, and medical and surgical treatment of all major urologic conditions. The well-organized, user-friendly design makes relevant clinical information and management guidelines easy to find and simple to implement.
New 2-color design is more attractive and easier to navigate.
1. Anatomy of the Genitourinary Tract
2. Embryology of the Genitourinary System
3. Symptoms of Disorders of the Genitourinary Tract
4. Physical Examination of the Genirourinary Tract
5. Urologic Laboratory Examination
6. Radiology of the Urinary Tract
7. Vascular Interventional Radiology
8. Percutaneous Endourology & Ureterorenoscopy
9. Laparoscopic Surgery
10. Retrograde Instrumentation of the Urinary Tract
11. Urinary Obstruction & Stasis
12. Vesicoureteral Reflux
13. Bacterial Infections of the Genitourinary Tract
14. Specifi Infections of teh Genitrourinary Tract
15. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
16. Urinary Stone Disease
17. Injuries to the Genitourinary Tract
18. Immunology & Immunotherapy of Urologic Cancers
19. Chemotherapy of Urologic Tumors
20. Urothelial Carcinoma: Cancers of the Bladder, Ureter, & Renal Pelvis
21. Renal Parenchymal Neoplasms
22. Neoplasms of the Prostrate Gland
23. Genital Tumors
24. Urinary Diversion & Bladder Substitution
25. Radiotherapy of Urologic Tumors
26. Neurophysiology & Pharmacology of the Lower Urinary Tract
27. Neuropathic Bladder Disorders
28. Urodynamic Bladder Disorders
29. Urinary Incontinence
30. Diagnosis of Medical Renal Diseases
31. Disorders of the Kidneys
32. Diagnosis of Medical Renal Diseases
33. Oliguria; Acute Renal Failure
34. Chronic Renal Failure & Dialysis
35. Renal Transplantation
36. Disorders of the Ureter & Ureteropelvic Junction
37. Disorders of the Bladder, Prostrate, & Seminal Vesicles
38. Male Sexual Dysfunction
39. Female Urology & Female Sexual Dysfuntion
40. Disorders of the Penis & Male Urethra
41. Disorders of the Female Urethra
42. Skin Diseases of the External Genitalia
43. Abnormalities of Sexual Determination & Differentiation
44. Male Infertility
45. The Aging Male
Appendix: Normal Laboratory Values
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