도서 소개
상품 상세설명
This atlas is a complete pictorial and textual guide to the diagnosis
and management of orbital tumors and pseudotumors. It features 804
photographs and surgical drawings--528 in full color--that depict the
clinical variations, histopathologic characteristics, and treatment
of all benign and malignant orbital lesions. Coverage includes both
common and rare conditions. The book is rich in clinical imaging,
pathologic correlations, and clinical "pearls" based on the authors'
25 years of experience in medical and surgical ophthalmic oncology at
the Wills Eye Hospital.
Each entity is presented in an easy-to-follow format: a concise
description with references on the left-hand page and six
illustrations on the right-hand page. The photographs show in precise
detail the gross and microscopic features that distinguish each type
of lesion. Professional drawings and intraoperative photographs
demonstrate key surgical principles and procedures.
The three atlases prepared by Drs. Shields and Shields--Atlas of
Eyelid and Conjunctival Tumors, Atlas of Intraocular Tumors, and
Atlas of Orbital Tumors--can be purchased together as a money-saving
Book News, Inc.
Illustrates and discusses the clinical variations, histopathologic
characteristics, and management of most orbital tumors and
pseudotumors. Describes each specific entity in a concise review with
pertinent references on the left-hand page and six color figures on
the facing right-hand page to provide an uninterrupted overview of
the subject. The 779 photographs and 25 drawings include common
lesions as well as some rare ones. The authors are a husband and wife
ophthalmic team at Wills Eye Hospital of Thomas Jefferson University
in Philadelphia. -- Copyright ⓒ 1999 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
All rights reserved
Book Info
Thomas Jefferson Univ., Philadelphia, PA. Atlas covers tumors and
pseudotumors that affect the orbit. Illustrates and discusses the
clinical variations, histopathologic characteristics, and management.
Each entity is described with text on the left-hand page and size
color figures on the facing page. Includes pearls and surgical
principles. For residents and practitioners.
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