도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Blending science and practice, this unique text and clinical manual simplifies acupuncture treatment for pain management and trauma rehabilitation for integration with conventional medical care. This integrated approach relies upon familiar biomedical principles to interpret the basic mechanisms, acupoint system, and clinical procedures associated with classical acupuncture. Detailed guidance enables conventional health care professionals to quickly understand and incorporate acupuncture therapy principles for pain management into their practice. The unique Integrative Neuromuscular Acupoint System (INMAS) simplifies treatment by focusing on only 24 acupoints, out of the hundreds of existing acupoints, thus creating a standardized protocol that can be customized for each patient. Readers will find detailed chapters devoted to diagnosis, neuroanatomy, treatment, and the psychology of pain?-ensuring current, comprehensive coverage of this growing field.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Introduction 1. From Neurons to Acupoints: Basic Neuroanatomy of Acupoints
2. Dynamic Pathophysiology of Acupoints
3. Peripheral Mechanisms of Acupuncture
4. Neural Bases of Acupuncture: Central Mechanisms
5. Integrative Neuromuscular Acupoint System (INMAS)
6. Quantitative Acupuncture Evaluation (QAE) and Clinical Techniques
7. Psychology of Acupuncture Therapy, Placebo, and Nocebo Effects in Pain Management
8. Introduction to Practical Application of INMAS
9. Back Pain: Neck, Upper Back, and Low Back
10. Upper Extremity Pain: Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, and Hand
11. Lower Extremity Pain: Hip, Thigh, Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot
12. Pain-Related Systemic Disorders
13. Acupuncture Therapy for Non-Pain Symptoms
14. Acupuncture Therapy in Sports Medicine
15. Electroacupuncture Analgesia (EAA)
16. Using Integrative Neuromuscular Acupoint System (INMAS) for Acupoint Injection Therapy
17. Case Studies Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendix B: Cross Reference of 24 Homeostatic Acupoints and Their Meridian Nomenclature Index
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