도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Occupational Therapy with Children draws on contemporary research to examine children's roles, their occupations and the skills which underpin their ability to participate in society. The book will develop the occupational therapist's understanding of how to optimise the participation of children in the various environments in which they are required or choose to engage. Occupational Therapy with Children maintains a developmental perspective and incorporates child-centred interventions to improve performance deficits.
Section one examines children's roles and occupations in contemporary society at a broad level. Coverage includes the child's participation in the family, at school and in the community. This section considers environmental influences on childhood activities, and highlights children's changing occupational time use and the impact this has on health and wellbeing. Section two focuses on childhood as a period of significant development and skill acquisition. This is profiled as a dynamic period for the therapist to encourage occupational mastery across the spectrum of childhood experience: in play; in self-care; as a student; and beyond the school grounds. Topical chapters evaluate participation in physical activity and consider the potential for 'healthy' leisure, along with the risk characteristics associated with certain approaches to leisure.
Occupational Therapy with Children is aimed at students and practitioners of occupational therapy. Other childhood professionals, particularly early childhood educators, will also appreciate the articulate approach this book takes towards the development of the child.
Highly illustrated with contemporary photographs, drawings and succinct tables
Includes case studies; providing worked examples of therapeutic applications
Draws on the World Health Organisation International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to frame the concept of children's occupations and societal participation
Responsive to developments in occupational science
Expert contributors provide international perspectives
From the Foreword by Professor Charles Christiansen, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
[Occupational therapists] will find that this book provides a framework that makes planning effective therapy with children practical, relevant, and effective . . . [Rodger & Ziviani's] contribution to the literature has helped unleash the genie of occupation in the service of improved therapy with children.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1. Children, their environments, roles and occupations in contemporary society
2. Families and children's occupational performance
3. Environmental influences on children's participation
4. Participation of children in school and community
5. Children's occupational time use
6. Doing, being and becoming: their importance for children
7. The occupational development of children
8. Communication and social skills for occupational engagement
9. Developing as a player
10. I can do it: developing, promoting, and managing children's self-care needs
11. The transition to school
12. Student participation in the classroom
13. Children's participation in physical activity at school
14. Children's participation beyond the school grounds
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