도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part I: Tropical Diseases in Travelers: General Aspects:.
1. Introduction: Eli Schwartz.
2. The Art of Travel Medicine a Century Ago: Eli Schwartz.
3. Epidemiology of Post-Travel Illness: Pamela Rendi-Wagner and Eli Schwartz.
4. Travelers as Sentinels for Disease Occurrence in Destination Countries: David O. Freedman and Eli Schwartz.
5. VFR (Visiting Friends and Relatives) Travelers: Phyllis E. Kozarsky and Jay S. Keystone.
6. Post-Tropical Screening: Joanna Herman and Peter L. Chiodini.
Part II: Specific Infections:.
7. Dengue Fever: Eli Schwartz.
8. West Nile Fever: Michal Chowers.
9. Japanese Encephalitis in Travelers: John Simon.
10. Yellow Fever, and Yellow Fever Vaccine–Associated Disease: Elizabeth D. Barnett.
11. Chikungunya: An Emerging Disease in Travelers: Fabrice Simon, Elodie Vivier and Philippe Parola.
12. Ross River Virus: Joseph Torresi.
13. Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers: Annelies Wilder-Smith.
14: Rabies and the Traveler: Henry Wilde and Thiravat Hemachudha.
15: Hepatitis A and E: The Enterically Transmitted Hepatitis: Nancy Piper Jenks and Eli Schwartz.
16. Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever: Eli Schwartz.
17. Bacterial Diarrhea: Herbert L. DuPont.
18. Rickettsial Diseases: Mogens Jensenius and Philippe Parola.
19: Relapsing Fever: Gil Sidi and Eli Schwartz.
20. Leptospirosis: Eyal Leshem and Eli Schwartz.
21. Malaria in Travelers: Epidemiology, Clinical Aspects and Treatment: Eli Schwartz.
22. Malaria Diagnosis in Travelers: R. Scott Miller.
23. Malaria–Prevention: Eli Schwartz.
24. Schistosomiasis: Eli Schwartz.
25. Filarial Infections: Thomas B. Nutman.
26. Human Trypanosomiasis: African and American Tryponasomiasis (Chagas): Johannes A. Blum.
27. Cystic Echinococcosis: Enrico Brunetti.
28. Neurocysticercosis: Eli Schwartz.
29. Histoplasmosis and and Other Endemic Fungal Infections: Michael J. Segel and Eli Schwartz.
30. Intestinal Protozoa: Giardia, Amebiasis, Cyclospora, Blastocsystis Hominis, Dientamoeba Fragilis and Cryptosporidium Parvum: Karin Leder.
31. Intestinal Helminths: Strongyloides stercoralis, Ascaris Lumbricoides, Hookworm, Trichuris Trichiuria, Enterobius Vermicularis, Trichinella, Intestinal Tapeworms and Liver Flukes: Karin Leder.
32. Leishmaniasis: Eli Schwartz.
33. Ectoparasites: Myiasis, Tungiasis, Scabies: Eli Schwartz and Eric Caumes.
34. Helminthic Skin Diseases in Travelers: Eric Caumes.
35. Delusional Parasitosis: Eli Schwartz, Jay Keystone and Henry Abramovitch.
Part III: Syndromic Approach:
36. An Approach to the Patient with Post-travel Diarrhea: Eli Schwartz and Bradley A. Connor.
37. Approach to the Patient with Fever: Eli Schwartz.
38. Approach to Returning Travelers with Skin Lesions: Eric Caumes.
39. Approach to Travel-Related Eosinophilia: Eyal Meltzer and Eli Schwartz.
40. Approach to Patients with Protracted Rheumatological Manifestations: Eli Schwartz and Michael Ehrenfeld.
41. Travel Related Respiratory Infections: Eyal Meltzer and Eli Schwartz.
42: Neurological Signs and Symptoms in Travelers: Einar P. Wilder-Smith and Annelies Wilder-Smith.
43. Closing Remarks: Eli Schwartz.
A. Useful Anti-Parasitic Drugs.
B. Diagnostic Tests Available for Tropical Diseases.
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