도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1. Fever 1
Christopher J. Grace
2. Infectious Disease Emergencies: Recognition and Initial
Management 17
Robert E. Levitz
3. Commonly Used Oral Antibiotics 41
Thomas Lamarre, William Maher, and Robert Fass
4. Pharmacokinetics and Dynamics 77
John W. Ahern
5. The Clinician and the Microbiology Laboratory 97
Daniel J. Diekema
6. Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy 115
Donald M. Poretz
7. Fever and Rash 129
Mary Beth Ramundo
8. Noninfectious and Cryptic Fevers 151
Brad E. Robinson and Christopher J. Grace
9. Blood Cultures 169
Cheryl A. Smith
A. Respiratory Tract
10. Upper Respiratory Tract Infections 187
W Kemper Alston and Kristen I. Fahrner
11. Common Oral Infections 209
H. Charles Hill II, Thomas W. Connolly, and Susan M. Hill
12. Community-Acquired Pneumonia and Bronchitis 227
John G. Bartlett and Christopher J. Grace
13. Tuberculosis 251
C. Fordham von Reyn
14. Common Cold and Influenza 265
Sherif B. Mossad
B. Genitourinary Tract
15. Urinary Tract Infections 279
Kevin D. Dieckhaus
16. Gynecological Infections 301
Rebecca A. Clark
17. Male Urogenital Syndromes 319
Craig S. Conover, Sheila M. Badri, and Mark Potter C.
18. Endocarditis 347
JoAnn Tufariello and Franklin D. Lowy
D. Skin and Soft Tissue
19. Bacterial Infections of the Skin and Soft Tissues
Jeffrey Parsonnet
20. Nonbacterial Infections of the Skin 393
Anita Licata
21. Ocular Infections 409 Martin Mayers, Essene Bell, and
Michael H. Miller E. Gastrointestinal Tract
22. Infectious Diarrhea 437
Beth D. Kirkpatrick
23. Hepatitis 455
Jayant A. Talwalkar and Michael R. Charlton
24. Intra-Abdominal Infections 473
Neil H. Hyman and Christopher J. Grace
F. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
25. The Patient with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Infection: Recognition, Testing, and Initial Assessment
Kenneth H. Mayer and Daniel E. Cohen
26. Evaluation of the Symptomatic Human
Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patient 513
Janine Maenza
G. Bone and Joint
27. Septic Arthritis and Bursitis 535
Ellis H. Tobin and Eric S. Brecher
28. Osteomyelitis 557
Keith Collins
29. Diabetic Foot Infections 581
Christopher J. Grace and Michael A. Ricci
H. Geographic Exposure
30. Tick-Borne Infections 599
Robert P. Smith
31. Endemic Fungal and Viral Infections 621
Harold Henderson
32. Common Manifestations of Parasitic Infections 633
Sampath Kumar and Gordon M. Trenholme
33. The Pregnant Patient 645
Mary-Margaret Andrews
34. The Immune-Compromised Patient 661
Robert W. Lyons
35. Infections in the Injection Drug User 677
Audrey L. French
36. Infections in the Dialysis Patient 695
Michael Berkoben
37. Infections in the Patient with Animal Contact 709
Anthony L. Esposito and George Abraham
38. The Patient with Fatigue 723
Irving E. Salit
39. Epstein-Barr Virus Infection and Infectious
Mononucleosis-Like Illnesses 735
Irving E. Salit
40. Evaluation of the International Traveler 749
Beth D. Kirkpatrick
41. The Patient Living in a Nursing Home 771
Henry S. Sacks
42. Postexposure Prophylaxis 787
Judith L. Steinberg
43. Adult Immunization 807
W. Kemper Alston
44. Bioterrorism 821
Christopher J. Grace
Index 855
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