도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Confused by medical terms? Don’t know a carcinoma from a hematoma? Medical Terminology For Dummies gets you up to speed quickly on medical terminology fundamentals and helps you master medical definitions, pronunciations, and applications across all health care fields. Once you understand medical prefixes, suffixes, and root words, you’ll approach even unfamiliar medical terms with confidence.
This plain-English guide to language that can be just plain confusing clears up the meanings of the Greek and Latin sources of medical terms. You’ll get a handle on how these mouthfuls are constructed, and discover how to decipher any medical term, no matter how complex or unusual. You’ll also get plenty of help in pronouncing and remembering medical words, and you’ll find out how and why the terminology changes from hospital to laboratory to pharmacy. You’ll discover how to:
Understand word foundations and origins
Grasp the essential meanings of unfamiliar terms
Define common prefixes and suffixes
Identify and pronounce medical terms
Deconstruct words to grasp definitions
Use plurals and multiples with ease
Describe medical conditions accurately
Bone up on terms that describe the anatomy
Use mnemonic devices to remember medical terms
Know when words refer to diseases, injuries, treatments, and more
Use medical terminology in the real world
Complete with a list of essential references on medical terminology as well as helpful word-building activities Medical Terminology For Dummies puts you in the know in no time.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part I: Living for Linguistics.
Chapter 1: Scrubbing In to Master Medical Terminology.
Chapter 2: Medical Terminology: The How and Why.
Chapter 3: Introducing the Big Three: Prefi xes, Roots, and Suffixes.
Chapter 4: Acronyms, Eponyms, Homonyms, Multiples, and Plurals — Oh My!
Chapter 5: Say What? Pronunciation and Usage.
Part II: Mapping Words and Bodies.
Chapter 6: It Was in the Beginning: Prefixes.
Chapter 7: So It Shall Be in the End: Suffixes.
Chapter 8: Hey, I Know You: Word Recognition.
Chapter 9: Deconstruction Junction: Breaking Down Words.
Chapter 10: An Org Chart to Live By: Organization of the Body.
Chapter 11: All Systems Go: When Systems Combine.
Part III: In Terms of Anatomy.
Chapter 12: Boning Up on the Skeletal System.
Chapter 13: Getting Ripped: The Muscular System.
Chapter 14: Skin Deep: Skin, Glands, Nails, and Hair.
Chapter 15: It Depends on Your Perception: The Sensory Systems.
Part IV: Let’s Get Some Physiology Terminology.
Chapter 16: The Heart of the Matter: The Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems.
Chapter 17: Just Breathe: The Respiratory System.
Chapter 18: Feeding Time: The Gastrointestinal System.
Chapter 19: Gatekeepers of Health: The Endocrine System.
Chapter 20: Calming Down: The Nervous System.
Part V: Name That Plumbing.
Chapter 21: When You Gotta Go: The Urinary System.
Chapter 22: Checking the Plumbing: The Male Reproductive System.
Chapter 23: A Life Force: The Female Reproductive System.
Part VI: The Par t of Tens.
Chapter 24: Ten Essential Medical Terminology References.
Chapter 25: Ten or So Useful Mnemonic Devices.
Chapter 26: Ten Fun Word-Building Activities.
Appendix: Prefixes and Suffixes.
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