도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Softcover - 278pages,2/e Caring for patients with a terminal illness and their families requires the skills of many professionals working together as a team. It is often the psychosocial issues surrounding patients and families that cause professionals even greater difficulty than the physical symptoms. The issues of psychosocial assessment, treatment, care, and support of palliative care patients differs from the care of patients with early, treatable cancer - time is short and the emphasis different both from a patient and carer perspective. This new edition of a successful text examines current practice and provision of psychosocial support as applied to palliative care patients. It is a highly practical text, comprehensively reviewing the current literature and evidence in order to demonstrate good, and better, practice in psychosocial care. The text covers a number of areas including the nature of services required to provide effective psychosocial care; cultural issues of psychosocial care and adaptation; and the importance of communication, including patients with communication difficulties; and socio-economic issues affecting the patient with advanced metastatic disease. Specific disorders such as anxiety and depression are included, as is the integration of service provision. The book also explores the evidence of specific psychotherapeutic interventions and includes guidelines on techniques that can be used in clinical practice. Complementary therapies are widely sought by patients and families and the evidence base is slowly growing - a comprehensive review of such therapies including herbal and homeopathic medicines is included. Whilst spiritual support and staff support are an integral part of all aspects of psychosocial care, and are incorporated throughout, these areas are also discussed in-depth in individual chapters. Practical guidelines are offered throughout, to encourage the best possible care in this complex area.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
차 례 1. Setting the context - What do we mean by psychosocial care in palliative care? , Rod MacLeod 2. Communication issues , Cathy Heaven and the late Peter Maguire 3. Social impact of advanced metastatic cancer , The late Frances Sheldon with an introduction by Pam Firth 4. Family-centred care: psychosocial care for the marginalized , Philip J Larkin 5. Current provision of psychosocial care within palliative care , Trevor Friedman 6. Anxiety and adjustment disorders , Steven D Passik, Kenneth L Kirsh and Mari Lloyd-Williams 7. Diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of depression in palliative care , Hayley Pessin, Yesne Alici Evcimen, Andreas J Apostolatos, and William Breitbart 8. Psychotherapeutic interventions in palliative care , Frederich Stiefel and Mathieu Bernard 9. Complementary therapies , Edzard Ernst 10. Spiritual care , Mark Cobb 11. Bereavement care and hope , Sheila Payne, Mari Lloyd-Williams, and Vida Kennedy 12. Staff support , Malcolm Payne
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