도서 소개
상품 상세설명
The Oxford Handbook of Paediatrics and Emergencies in Paediatrics and Neonatology is a unique package essential to every doctor with an interest in paediatrics.
An exciting new addition to the Oxford Handbook Series , the OXford Handbook of Paediatrics provides a compact guide to all aspects of acute and chronic paediatrics. The Handbook's team of specialist contributors and editors have successfully condensed many years of clinical experience into a pocket-sized compendium of clinical problems and treatment options. Taking a "child-centered" approach to the subject, the authors have provided comprehensive coverage of areas such as neonatology, surgery, genetics, and congenital malformations and child protection in a user-friendly and succinct style. Sections are also devoted to covering the treatment of children in the community, and the psychological effects of illness on both the child and the family. With practical advice and space for personalized notes, this handbook will be invaluable to all those involved in the care of the younger patient.
Emergencies in Paediatrics and Neonatology is a symptom-based handbook which concisely covers a range of essential information, from the key facts to elicit in the history, to the specific difficulties of children in an emergency situation--communication and pain relief. Severely unwell children are the most frightening emergency a clinician can face. This handbook aims to guide the clinician through what to do and when, in a format that can be read at the bedside. Resuscitation techniques are described in detail and comprehensive management plans are provided. Symbols are used to indicate clinical severity ranging from life-threatening to minor, and the book includes detailed drug dosages for children. This will be invaluable for those working with acutely ill children, staff in accident and emergency medicine, and general practitioners. It will also be a useful pocket guide for all junior doctors who see children, including surgeons, and anaesthetists.
A convenient and practical guide to successful evidence-based clinical paediatrics and emergencies in children
Includes hands-on advice on common dilemmas in paediatric medicine, with simplified management plans
Features a standard layout for early problem identification
Represents great value in this money-saving pack
Contains a detailed paediatric formulary
Utilises a symptom based approach
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