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Emergency Sedation & Pain Management 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 101,000원 4%↓
  • 판매가 : 96,000원
  • 적립금 : 1,700원
  • 저자명 : Burton
  • 출판사 : Cambridge
  • PAGE : 296 pages
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2008-01-01
  • ISBN : 9780521870863

선택된 옵션

  • 총 금액 :
    주문 수량
보관함 담기위시리스트

도서 소개

상품 상세설명

Hardcover - 296 pages .
Procedural sedation and analgesia represents one of the great advances in the maturation of emergency medicine as a discrete speciality within medicine. Once the exclusive domain of the anesthesiologist, sedation and pain management procedures are now a routine part of all emergency department practices. Emergency Sedation and Pain Management is a comprehensive medical text addressing emergency sedation and analgesia with specific emphasis on treatment of the emergency department patient. The easily accessible, clinically oriented format allows the reader fast and efficient access to the key points in each chapter. The text presents a clinical approach to the treatment of pain in emergency patients, including pediatric and adult populations. Analgesia, sedation, and anesthetic techniques are presented in an informative, authoritative, and concise format - written and edited by physicians with extensive research as well as clinical emergency medicine expertise. The chapters are richly supplemented with tables, photographs, and step-by-step illustrations.

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

Part I. Overview and Principles in Emergency Analgesia and Procedural Sedation: 1. Emergency analgesic principles James Miner and John Burton; 2. Emergency procedural sedation principles John Burton and James Miner; 3. Analgesic and procedural sedation principles unique to the pediatric emergency department Susan Fuchs; 4. Pain and analgesia in the infant Michelle P. Tomassi; 5. Provider bias and patient selection for emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia Knox Todd; 6. Federal and hospital regulatory oversight in emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia Sharon Roy; 7. Nursing considerations in emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia Tania Strout and Dawn Kendrick; Part II. Analgesia for the Emergency Patient: 8. Pharmacology of commonly utilized analgesic agents Eustacia Su; 9. Patient assessment: pain scales and observation in clinical practice Tania Strout and Dawn Kendrick; 10. Pathways and protocols for the triage patient with acute pain Paula Tanabe; 11. Patients with acute pain: patient expectations and desired outcomes David Fosnocht; 12. Analgesia for the adult and pediatric multi-trauma patient Wayne Triner; 13. Analgesia for the emergency department isolated orthopedic extremity trauma patient Michael Turturro; 14. Analgesia for selected emergency head, eye, and ear patients Matthew Dunn; 15. Analgesia for the emergency headache patient James Miner; 16. Analgesia for the emergency chest pain patient Carl Germann and Andrew Perron; 17. Analgesia for the emergency back pain patient Donald Jeanmonod; 18. Analgesia for the acute abdomen patient Martha L. Neighbor; 19. Analgesia for the renal colic patient Allan Wolfson and David Newman; 20. Analgesia for the biliary colic patient Allan Wolfson and David Newman; 21. Analgesia for the chronic pain patient James Miner; 22. Outpatient analgesia following acute musculoskeletal injury John Southall; Part III. Procedural Sedation for the Emergency Patient: 23. Patient assessment and pre-procedure considerations Baruch Krauss and Steve Green; 24. Monitoring for procedural sedation Baruch Krauss; 25. Pharmacology of commonly utilized sedative agents Eustacia Su; 26. Procedural sedation for pediatric laceration repair Mark Roback; 27. Procedural sedation for pediatric radiographic imaging studies Nathan Mick; 28. Procedural sedation for brief pediatric procedures: foreign body removal, lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspiration, central venous catheter placement Michael Ciccarelli; 29. Procedural sedation for adult and pediatric orthopedic fracture and joint reduction James Miner and John Burton; 30. Procedural sedation for electrical cardioversion Christopher J. Freeman; 31. Procedural sedation for brief surgical procedures: abscess incision and debridement, tube thoracostomy, nasogastric tube placement Carl Chudnofsky; Part IV. Topical, Local, and Regional Anesthesia Approach to the Emergency Patient: 32. Selected topical, local, and regional anesthesia techniques Douglas Dillon and Michael Gibbs; 33. Topical anesthesia considerations for pediatric peripheral intravenous catheter placement William Zempsky; 34. Regional anesthesia for adult and pediatric orthopedic fracture and joint reduction Douglas Dillon and Michael Gibbs; 35. Regional anesthesia for dental pain Kip Benko; 36. Local anesthesia for laceration repair Joel Bartfield; Part V. Special Considerations for Emergency Procedural Sedation and Analgesia: 37. Sedation and analgesia for the prehospital emergency medical services patient Michael Dailey and David French; 38. Induction agents for rapid sequence intubation of the emergency department patient Joseph Clinton and Arleigh Trainor; 39. Sedation and analgesia for the critical care patient Richard Riker and Gilles Fraser.


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