도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Foreword, Seymour I. Schwartz
Preface to the First Edition
1. Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Core Competencies, Thu Ha Liz Lee, David H. Berger, Samir S.
Awad, Mary L. Brandt, and F. Charles Brunicardi
2. Systematic Response to Injury and Metabolic Support, Badar V. Jan and Stephen F. Lowry
3. Fluid adn Electrolyte Management of the Surgical Patient, G. Tom Shires III
4. Hemostatis, Surgical Bleeding, and Transfusion, Ernest A. Gonzalez, Kenneth M. Jastrow, John B. Holcomb, and
Rosemary A. Kozar
5. Shock, Brian S. Zuckerbraun, Andrew B. Peitzman, and Timothy R. Billiar
6. Surgical Infections, Greg J. Beilman and David L. Dunn
7. Trauma, C. Clay Cothren, Walter L. Biffl, and Ernest E. Moore
8. Burns, Fred W. Endorf and Nicole S. Gibran
9. Wound Healing, Adrian Barbul and David T. Efron
10. Oncology, Funda Meric-Bernstam and Raphael E. Pollock
11. Transplantation, Abhinav Humar and David L. Dunn
12. Patient Safety, Catherine L. Chen, Mark L. Shapiro, Peter B. Angood, and Martin A. Makary
13. Physiologic Monitoring of the Surgical Patient, Louis H. Alarcon
14. Minimally Invasive Surgery, Robotics, and Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery, John G. Hunter and Blair
A. Jobe
15. Molecular and Genomic Surgery, Xin-Hua Feng, Xia Lin, and F. Charles Brunicardi
16. The Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Patrick Cole, Lior Heller, Jamal Bullocks, Larry H. Hollier, and Samuel Stal
17. The Breast, Kelly K. Hunt, Lisa A. Newman, Edward M. Copeland III, nad Kirby I. Bland
18. Disorders of the Head and Neck, Richard O. Wein, Rakesh K. Chandra, and Randal S. Weber
19. Chest Wall, Lung, Mediastinum, and Pleura, Katie S. Nason, Michael A. Maddaus, and James D. Luketich
20. Congenital Heart Disease, Tara B. Karamlou, Karl F. Welke, and Ross M. Ungerleider
21. Acquired Heart Disease, Charles F. Schwartz, Gregory A. Crooke, Eugene A. Grossi, and Aubrey C. Galloway
22. Thoracic Aneurysms and Aortic Dissection, Scott A. LeMaire, Kapil Sharma, and Joseph S. Coselli
23. Arterial Disease, Peter H. Lin, Panagiotis Kougias, Carlos Bechara, Catherine Cagiannos, Tam T. Huynh, and Changyl
J. Chen
24. Venous and Lymphatic Disease, Timothy K. Liem and Gregory L. Moneta
25. Esophagus and Diaphragmatic Hernia, Blair A. Jobe, John G. Hunter, and Jeffrey H. Peters
26. Stomach, Daniel T. Dempsey
27. The Surgical Management of Obesity, Bruce Schirmer and Philip R. Schauer
28. Small Intestine, Ali Tavakkolizadeh, Edward E. Whang, Stanley W. Ashley, and Michael J. Zinner
29. Colon, Rectum, and Anus, Kelli M. Bullard Dunn and David A. Rothenberger
30. The Appendix, Bernard M. Jaffe and David H. Berger
31. Liver, David A. Geller, John A. Goss, and Allan Tsung
32. Gallbladder and the Extrahepatic Biliary System, Margret Oddsdottir, Thai H. Pham, and John G. Hunter
33. Pancreas, William E. Fisher, Dana K. Andersen, Richard H. Bell Jr., Ashok K. Saluja, and F. Charles Brunicardi
34. Spleen, Adrian E. Park and Carlos D. Godinez Jr.
35. Abdominal Wall, Omentum, Mesentery, and Retroperitoneum, Neal E. Seymour and Robert L. Bell
36. Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Janice N. Cormier and Raphael E. Pollock
37. Inguinal Hernias, Vadim Sherman, James R. Macho, and F. Charles Brunicardi
38. Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal, Geeta Lal and Orlo H. Clark
39. Pediatric Surgery, David J. Hackman, Tracy C. Grikscheit, Kasper S. Wang, Kurt D. Newman, and Henri R. Ford
40. Urology, Jeffrey La Rochelle, Brian Shuch, and Arie Belldegrun
41. Gynecology, Joanna M. Cain, Wafic M. Elmasri, Tom Gregory, and Elisa C. Kohn
42. Neurosurgery, Michael L. Smith, Joel A. Bauman, and M. Sean Grady
43. Orthopedic Surgery, Michael H. Heggeness, Francis H. Gannon, Jacob Weinberg, Peleg Ben-Galim, and Charles A.
44. Surgery of the Hand and Wrist, Scott D. Lifchez and Subhro K. Sen
45. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Joseph E. Losee, Michael Gimbel, J. Peter Rubin, Christopher G. Wallace, and Fu-
Chan Wei
46. Surgical Considerations in the Elderly, Rosemarie E. Hardin and Michael E. Zenilman
47. Anesthesia of the Surgical Patient, Robert S. Dorian
48. Ethics, Palliative Care, and Care at the End of Life, Daniel H. Hall, Peter Angelos, Geoffrey P. Dunn, Daniel B.
Hinshaw, and Timothy M. Pawlik
Key References
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