도서 소개
상품 상세설명
This is a very practical guide to the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of the various forms of chronic arthritis in children. It uses algorithms, tables and many high-quality color illustrations to make key points, and so can easily be used in a busy practice for initial diagnosis and follow-up.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Remembering Barbara: a tribute to Barbara Ansell, Ann Hall
Remembering Jerry C. Jacobs: a tribute to a mentor, Ilona Szer
Tribute to Vinny Londino, Chester V. Oddis
Section 1 - The approach to the child with musculoskeltal complaints
1. Clinical skills in the evaluation for arthritis, Ilona Szer
2. The use of investigations and imagining in the evaluation for arthritis, Ilona Szer
3. Common presenting problems, Yukiko Kimura
4. Acute inflammatory rheumatic syndromes, Ilona Szer
5. Acute and chronic infections of bones and joints, Yukiko Kimura
6. Major rheumatic diseases, Suzanne C. Li & Lisa F. Imundo
7. Autoinflammatory diseases and distinct but rare rheumatic diseases, Suzanne C. Li
8. Non-inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders, Suzanne C. Li
9. Idiopathic pain syndromes, Lisa Imundo
10. Musculokeletal and autoimmune manifestations of non-rheumatic disorders, Karin S. Peterson
11. Disorders of bone and connective tissue, Karin S. Peterson
Section 2 - Juvenile idiopathic arthritis in children and adolescents
12. Introduction to the classifcation of childhood arthritis, Taunton R. Southwood
13. Systemic arthritis, Anne-Marie Prieur
14. Oligoarthritis, John J. Miller & Peter N. Malleson
15. Rheumatoid factor positive polyarthritis, Janet Gardern-Medwin
16. Rheumatoid factor negative polyarthritis, Alberto Martini
17. Psoriatic arthritis, David Cabral
18. Enthesitis related arthritis, Ross E. Petty
19. Undifferated arthritis, Taunton R. Southwood & Yukiko Kimura
20. Immunopathology of the joint in juvenile idiopathicarthritis, Lucy Wedderburn, Kiran Nistala & Taunton R. Southwood
21. Genetic and cytokine associations in juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Wendy Thomson, Patrica Woo & Rachelle Donn
22. Environmental Factors in juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Berent Prakken, Salvatore Albani & Wietze Kius
Section 3 - The approach to treating juvenile idiopathic arthritis
23. Introduction to section 3 - differential diagnosis and treatment, Peter N. Malleson
24. Patient-centred care and the team approach, Ciaran Duffy
25. Adolescent rheumatology services, Janet E. McDonagh & Patience White
26. Disease evaluation, Len Tucker
27. Education issues in juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Laurie Ebner-Lyon & Joy Brown
28. Psychosocial aspects of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Karen Shaw
29. Pain assessment and management, David Sherry, James W. Varni & Michael A. Rapoff
30. Pharmacological treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Peter Malleson
31. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy, Gay Kuchta & Iris Davidson
32. Nutrition, Deborah Rothman
33. Adjunctive therapies, Marisa Klein-Gitelman
34. Surgical interventions in juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Ann Hall
35. Clinical trials, Brian Feldman
36. Pharmacological treatmentof refractory arthritis, Nico Mwulfraat & Berent J. Prakken
Joint injection appendix
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