도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Book Description
Praise for previous editions of Occupational Biomechanics
"This book is a valuable resource for any advanced ergonomist interested in physical ergonomics . . . provides valuable research information."
-Ergonomics in Design
"[This book] represents a distillation of the authors' combined years of experience in applying biomechanicsin various industries and work situations . . . I recommend this book to anyone, regardless of discipline, who is interested in understanding the many biomechanical factors which must be considered when trying to effectthe prevention and reduction of musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace."
-Journal of Biomechanics
"Impressive descriptions of biomechanical concepts and worksite considerations . . . based not only on mechanical and mathematical principles, but on solid anatomical and physiologic constructs . . . a very valuablereference source."
-Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology
With critical applications in manufacturing, transportation, defense, security, environmental safety and occupational health, and other industries, the field of occupational biomechanics is more central to industrial design than ever before.
This latest edition of the popular and widely adopted Occupational Biomechanics provides the foundations and tools to assemble and evaluate biomechanical processes as they apply to today's changing industries, with emphasis on improving overall work efficiency and preventing work-related injuries. The book expertly weaves engineering and medical information from diverse sources and provides a coherent treatment of the biomechanical principles underlying the well-designed and ergonomically sound workplace.
* 150 new references and many new illustrations
* Major changes within each chapter that reflect recent and significant findings
* Recent research in musculoskeletal disorders
* New measurement techniques for biomechanical parameters and numerous international initiatives on the subject
Presented in an easy-to-understand manner and supported by over 200 illustrations and numerous examples, Occupational Biomechanics, Fourth Edition remains the premier one-stop reference for students and professionals in the areas of industrial engineering, product and process design, medicine, and occupational health and safety.
Book Info
Discusses the diverse concepts of engineering and medical information woven together to provide a coherent treatment of the biomechanical principles underlying the well-designed and ergonomically sound workplace. DLC: Work--Physiological aspects. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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