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Tympanoplasty, Mastoidectomy, and Stapes Surgery (Hardcover) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 210,000원 9%↓
  • 판매가 : 190,000원
  • 적립금 : 1,000원
  • 저자명 : Ugo Fisch
  • 출판사 : Thieme
  • PAGE : 408
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2007-05-01
  • ISBN : 978-1588901675

선택된 옵션

  • 총 금액 :
    주문 수량
보관함 담기위시리스트

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상품 상세설명

"The beauty of this book is that it takes us through a step-by-step approach of Dr. Fisch's techniques, which build upon one another as the book progresses...The authors do a great job of referring both forward and backward in the book to previously mentioned schematics so the reader can try to take in all the information and help bridge the different steps together and apply it in different situation...Dr. Fisch makes it very simple for the surgeons to understand the absolute contraindications and things to look out for and to avoid while performing the various procedures...this book is a great addition for any otologic surgeon to provide them with an expanded armamentarium to handle otologic procedures."--Otology & Neurotology<br><br>"[Four stars] Provides a step-by-step description of all otologic operations. Each procedure has accompanying information including indications and surgical highlights...There are over 800 illustrations and they are all necessary...This updated edition of an extremely useful book written by one of the masters in this field today has nicely incorporated new innovations. Anyone practicing in this area will find this book useful."--Doody's Review<br><br>"Represents all that most of us will ever need to know about middle-ear surgery. It is written by a master in his field, a prolific author, teacher, and, above all, a surgeon...The scans presented are relevant and illustrate the pathology well. Line diagrams used throughout the book are clear and easy to follow...One is taken step by step through the various surgical processes in such a logical way that one is tempted to wonder why one never through of some of the solutions before...This second edition can be regarded as the standard reference and surgical guide for this subject...Few surgeons will ever amass Fisch's experience but, with this book, they will be prepared to tackle almost all eventualities."--The Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England<br><br>Praise for the previous edition:<br>‘’Very well written...the definitive reference for all professionals.’’ --Besprechungsbeleg Press Review<br><br>‘’A wealth of extremely practical and useful information...one of the most outstanding contributions ever made...a superb model...cannot be too highly recommended.’’ --Journal of Microsurgery
Product Description
This successor to the author's standard-setting, problem-solving manual on tympanoplasty contains step-by-step illustrations of surgical techniques that have proven valuable during 30 years of experience. The illustrations were drawn by the author himself and provide the details essential for a firm understanding of each procedure. The book describes the principles underlying the surgical techniques in detail, and results are presented and discussed.<br><br>Features:<br>-Updated coverage of titanium prostheses, new meatoplasty techniques, malleostapedotomy, cochlear implants, and the use of imaging techniques for planning and evaluating surgical procedures<br>-Bullet-point lists of surgical highlights<br>-850 simple line drawings to demonstrate technical manuevers and surgical concepts in a step-by-step fashion

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