도서 소개
상품 상세설명
This volume provides a summary review of all recently published and ongoing research initiatives related to Tourette Syndrome. The latest research is presented in a clinical context, and controversial issues are fully discussed using an evidence-based approach. These issues include the prevalence of TS, the nature of the TS phenotype, the role of autoimmunity in the development of TS, the role of comorbidity in functional outcomes of TS patients, and approaches to identifying the TS gene/genes.
Chapters describe recent advances in neuroimaging, genetics, and treatment. The book includes extensive discussions of co-morbid disorders: obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, mood disorders, and tics.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1 Phenomenology and natural history of tic disorders
2 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : the childhood co-morbidity that most influences the disability burden in Tourette syndrome
3 Obsessive-compulsive disorder in Tourette syndrome
4 Behavioral and affective disorders in Tourette syndrome
5 Tics associated with other disorders
6 Preclinical models relevant to Tourette syndrome
7 Neurobiology of Basal Ganglia and Tourette syndrome : Basal Ganglia circuits and thalamocortical outputs
8 Neurobiology of basal ganglia and Tourette syndrome : striatal and dopamine function
9 Motor cortex inhibitory function in Tourette syndrome, attention deficit disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder : studies using transcranial magnetic stimulation
10 Functional neuroimaging of Tourette syndrome : advances and future directions
11 A genome-wide scan and fine mapping in Tourette syndrome families
12 Web-based consensus diagnosis for genetics studies of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
13 Genes and Tourette syndrome : scientific, ethical, and social implications
14 Preclinical/clinical evidence of central nervous system infectious etiology in PANDAS
15 PANDAS : overview of the hypothesis
16 Autoimmunity and pediatric movement disorders
17 PANDAS : to treat or not to treat?
18 Disruptive behavior problems in a community sample of children with tic disorders
19 Treatment of tics
20 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, chronic tic disorder, and methylphenidate
21 Treatment of co-morbid obsessive compulsive disorder, mood, and anxiety disorders
22 Treatment of aggression in Tourette syndrome
23 Behavioral treatments for tic suppression : habit reversal training
24 Behavior therapy : other interventions for tic disorders
25 Behavioral neurosurgery
26 Future and alternative therapies in Tourette's syndrome
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