도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Introduction to Occupational Therapy provides an overview of the profession and the practice of occupational therapy. This new edition offers updated information on adult, geriatric, pediatric, and mental health practice, as well as information on emerging practice areas and models of practice and frames of reference. New review questions are included in each chapter along with additional case studies and student activities added throughout the text.
-Key Features-
Updated information on roles and responsibilities of OTs and OTAs.
Updated and additional information on professional organizations, particularly international organizations and the American Occupational Therapy Foundation.
Updated information on occupational therapy settings, including community-based practice.
Updated information on the OT process as it relates to the OT practice framework and reimbursement mechanisms.
Updated information on frames of reference used in OT practice.
-New to this Edition-
4 new chapters:
Chapter 4: Current Issues and Future Considerations
Chapter 6: The Occupational Therapy Practitioner: Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships
Chapter 10: Occupational Therapy Across the Lifespan
Chapter 14: Models of Practice and Frames of Reference
2 new appendices:
Appendix C: Key Information from the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework
Appendix D: Resources (The new chapters and appendices provides new information on emerging practice areas; explains the different functions of the OT, the OTA, and the OT aide and how they work together; includes information on interacting with clients in all the various stages of the lifespan; provides resources and key information for the student for further research)
Updated OT Code of Ethics and OT Standards of Practice included in appendices A and B
Updated information on:
Graduate-level entry, recertification, and continuing competency
Roles and responsibilities of OTs and OTAs
Professional organizations, particularly International organizations and the American Occupational Therapy Foundation
Occupational therapy settings, including community-based practice
OT process as it relates to the OT Practice Framework and reimbursement mechanisms
Frames of reference used in OT practice
Review questions added to each chapter providing the student with the necessary tools to test recall of basic facts and reinforce comprehension of material
More case studies and student activities promotes problem-solving and demonstrates concepts
Two-color throughout highlighting pedagogy and key information
Evolve website enhances value of text to students and course instructors
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