도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Audience: Primary Care Physicians; Medical Residents; Psychiatrists; Geriatricians; Neurologists
Details what drug to use, when to use it, and how it metabolizes and interacts
Organized according to both therapeutic agent and clinical disorder
Includes Patient Safety information on common pitfalls and errors prescribing
-Key Features-
Written for residents and clinicians, from the perspective of real-world patient care
Includes updated coverage of all major, currently approved neurological and psychiatric therapies
Perfect for medical residents starting subspecialty rotations
Includes forward-looking information as well with summaries of major clinical trials and discussion of novel targets
Organized according to therapeutic agent AND clinical disorder
Includes Patient Safety sidebars for common pitfalls and errors in utilizing specific therapeutic agents
Can be revised quickly based on new developments in pharmacology and market demand
Includes extensive drug comparisons for indications, interactions, adverse events, and cost
Discusses use of CNS therapeutics concurrently with other commonly prescribed-perfect for the needs of generalist clinicians and residents
Includes coverage of interactions with both FDA-approved and "complementary" therapeutics
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part I.
1. The Principles of CNS Therapeutics
2. Clinical Skills in Neurological and Psychiatric Therapeutics
a. The Complete Medication History
b. Bringing pharmacokinetics to the bedside
c. Bringing pharmacodynamics to the bedside
d. Critically evaluating drugs and therapeutic strategies
3. Drug Classes in CNS Therapeutics
Part II: Clinical Pharmacology in Specific Psychiatric Disorders
4. Mood Disorders: Depression, Mania and Variants
5. Psychoses: Schizophrenias and Others
6. Conduct Disorders, Including Alcoholism and Other Substance Abuse
7. Cognitive Disorders: Delirium, Dementias, and Others
8. Other Maladaptive Behavioral Syndromes: Neuroses, Anxiety States
Part III: Clinical Pharmacology of Neurologic Diseases and Disorders
9. Headaches, including Migraines and Daily Headache
10. Epilepsy
11. Demyelinating Diseases: Multiple Sclerosis and Others
12. Movement Disorders Including Parkinsonism and Other Degenerative Disorders
13. Diseases of the Autonomic Nervous System
14. Neuropathies, Cranial and Peripheral, Including Myathenias and Related Disorders
15. Vascular Damage to the CNS
16. Tumors of the CNS
17. Infections of the CNS
18. Trauma/ Mechanical Damage to the CNS
19. Neurological Manifestations of Systemic Diseases, Including Iatrogenic Illnesses
Part IV: Other Important Considerations in CNS Therapeutics and Pharmacology
20. CNS Pharmacology in Concurrent Non-CNS Disease
21. Patient Safety and Adverse Effects
22. Clinical Trials and Novel Targets in CNS Therapy
23. Tables of Drug Comparisons and Cross References: Agents and Toxicities
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