도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1. Cell Structure and Function
2. Genetics - Ada Hamosh
3. The Fetus as Patient - Craig Albanese
4. Common Problems and Complications of Premature and Full-Term Infants - F. Sessions Cole
5. Outcomes Studies - Lawrence R. Moss
6. Fluid and Electrolyte Management - Edward M. Barksdale, Jr
7. Nutrition - Daniel H. Teitelbaum
Metabolism - Thomas Jaksic
8. Renal Physiology and Pathophysiology - John Foreman
9. Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care Shock - Ronald B. Hirschl
10. Repiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology - Robert E. Cilley
11. Wound Healing - Tim Crumbleholm
12. Infection - Walter Pegoli, Jr
13. Inflammation - Henri R. Ford
14. Immunology and Immunodeficiencies - Rebecca H. Buckley
15. Blood - Lori Luchtman-Jones
16. Pediatric Anesthesia and Pain Management - Gary Hirshberg
17. Surgical Management of Children with Physical Disabilities - Gordon Worley
18. Medical Ethics and Pediatric Surgery - Donna Anne Caniano
19. Approach to the Pediatric Trauma Patient - David P. Mooney
20. Injury Prevention - Karen H. Frush
21. Head Injury and Intracranial Pressure - Bruce A. Kaufman
22. Facial Trauma - Paul N. Manson
23. Neck Trauma - Henry E. Rice
24. Thoracic Trauma - David Tuggle
25. Abdominal Trauma - Steven Stylianos
26. Orthopedic Priniciples for Trauma - Paul D. Sponseller
27. Vascular Trauma - Art Cooper
28. Drowning and Hypothermia - Madelyn Kahana
29. Stings, Bites, and Poisonings - Brian Weidner
30. Burns - Ronald G. Tompkins
31. Principles of Oncology - Cindy Schwartz
32. Oncogenesis - Joel Shilyansky
33. Angiogenesis and Hemangiomas - Steven J. Fishman
34. Renal Tumors - Robert C. Shamberger
35. Neuroblastoma - Andrew M. Davidoff
36. Rhabdomyosarcomas and Nonrhabdomyomatous Sarcomas - Michael P. LaQuaglia
37. Hepatoblastoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma - Tony Sandler
38. Leukemias and Lymphomas - Robert Arceci
39. Germ Cell and Gonadal Tumors - Michael A. Skinner
40. Breast - Jeff Hoehner
41. Adrenal Gland - Holly Williams
42. Thyroid and Parathyroid - Michael A. Skinner
43. Pancreas - George K. Gitts
44. Transplant Immunology and Clinical Immunosuppression - Anne Fisher
45. Organ Donation, Procurement, and Preservation - Rebecca Meyers
46. Kidney Transplant - Karen Kling
47. Liver, Intestine, Multi-Visceral - Jorge Reyes
48. Heart and Lung - Thomas L. Spray
49. Bone Marrow - Allen Chen
50. Cell/Gene Transplant - Alan Flake
51. Opthalmology - Michael Repka
52. Craniofacial Anomalies - Jeffrey L. Marsh
53. Cleft Lip and Cleft Plate - Alex Kane
54. Otolaryngologlic Disorders - David E. Tunkel
55. Neck - Mary E. Fallat
56. Chest Wall Anomalies - Charles Paidas
57. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia - Kevin P. Lally
58. Subglottic Airway - Richard G. Azizkhan
59. Mediastinum and Pleura - Bradley M. Rodgers
60. Lung - Keith T. Oldham
61. Congenital Heart Disease - Stuart Berger
62. Pericardum and Great Vessel - Walter Pegoli, Jr
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