도서 소개
상품 상세설명
International experts from world-renowned medical schools comprehensively review for practicing clinicians and scientists alike the latest understanding of the epidemiology, causation, and consequences of diabetes and obesity. The authors discuss in detail their diagnosis, clinical manifestations, complications, and best practices for diagnosis and treatment. They also review the history and epidemiology of these conditions, explain their genetics and pathophysiology, and illuminate their known mechanisms and interactions. State-of-the-art survey-chapters critique current approaches (lifestyle and pharmacological) to the treatment of these conditions.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part I. History and Epidemiology
Obesity and Diabetes: The Historical Events Marking the Evolution of the Understanding of the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Two Related Diseases
George Karanastasis and Christos S. Mantzoros
Epidemiology of Obesity and Diabetes: Prevalence and Trends
Susanna C. Larsson and Alicja Wolk
Part II. Genetics and Pathophysiology
Genetics of Obesity and Diabetes
Despina Sanoudou and Christos S. Mantzoros
Nutrients and Peripherally Secreted Molecules in Regulation of Energy Homeostasis
Greeshma K. Shetty, Diana Barb, and Christos S. Mantzoros
Central Integration of Peripheral Signals in Regulation of Energy Homeostasis
Greeshma K. Shetty, George Karanastasis, and Christos S. Mantzoros
Role of Energy Expenditure in Regulation of Energy Homeostasis
Eric S. Bachman
Pathophysiology of Diabetes in Obesity
Geetha R. Soodini and Osama Hamdy
Part III. Diagnosis, Clinical Manifestations, and Complications
Diagnosing Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, and the Insulin Resistance Syndrome
Diana Barb and Christos S. Mantzoros
Metabolic Syndrome
Rochelle L. Chaiken and Mary Ann Banerji
Obesity, Diabetes, and Hypertension
Anjanette S. Tan, Stephen A. Brietzke, David W. Gardner, and James R. Sowers
Dyslipidemia Associated With Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Syndromes
Jody Dushay and J. Peter Oettgen
Obesity, Diabetes, and Endothelial Dysfunction
Geetha R. Soodini, Edward S. Horton, and Osama Hamdy
Atherosclerosis and Peripheral Vascular Disease: Sequelae of Obesity and Diabetes
Satish N. Nadig and Allen Hamdan
Obesity, Diabetes, and Risk of Cancer: A Review of Epidemiological Studies
Susanna C. Larsson, Hans-Olov Adami, and Alicja Wolk
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Its Metabolic Complications
Emilia P. Liao and Leonid Poretsky
Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Childhood and Adolescence
Susann Blüher and Wieland Kiess
Diabetic Retinopathy
Vassiliki Poulaki and Joan W. Miller
Obesity and Renal Disease
Ayman Geneidy and Richard Solomon
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Rachel Nardin and Roy Freeman
The Diabetic Foot
Thanh L. Dinh and Aristidis Veves
Erectile Dysfunction
Kenneth J. Snow
Infections in Diabetes Mellitus
Sotirios Tsiodras, Iosif Kelesidis, Christos S. Mantzoros, and Adolf W. Karchmer
The HAART-Induced Metabolic Syndrome
Sotirios Tsiodras, Theodoros Kelesidis, and Christos S. Mantzoros
Part IV. Treatment
Diet and Lifestyle in the Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes
Frank B. Hu
Diet, Exercise, and Behavioral Treatment of Obesity
George L. Blackburn
Medical Approaches to Treatment of the Obese Patient
George A. Bray and Donna H. Ryan
Medical Treatment of the Obese Patient With Type 2 Diabetes
Jean L. Chan, Christos S. Mantzoros, and Martin J. Abrahamson
Surgical Treatment of Obesity and Diabetes
Benjamin E. Schneider and Edward C. Mun
Future Developments in the Area of Pharmacotherapy: Molecules in Early-Stage Preclinical Development and in Clinical Trials That May Affect Energy Homeostasis
Diana Barb, Greeshma K. Shetty, and Christos S. Mantzoros
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