도서 소개
상품 상세설명
This book provides a practical and informative guide which promotes a model of care that is sufficiently flexible to address the complex and multifaceted needs of children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. The editors identify the medical, psychological and practical issues of caring for terminally ill children and their families.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
A. Foundations of care
1. Development & epidemiology , Simon Lenton, Nicola Eaton, David Southall & Ann Goldman 2. The child's journey , Jenny L Hynson 3. Communications , Gwynneth Down & Jean Simons 4. Ethics , Vic Larcher B. Child and family care
5. Creative lens , Sandra Bertman & Judith Leet 6. Spiritual life , Brother Francis 7. Children's views on death , Myra Bluebond-Langner & Amy DeCicco 8. Psychological impact of life-limiting conditions , Barbara M Sourkes 9. Adolescents and young adults , Finella Craig 10. Children expressing themselves , Trygve Aasgaard 11. School , Isabel Wood 12. Child and family assessment , Nancy Contro & Sarah Scofield 13. Impact of life-limiting conditions on the family , Mary Lewis & Helen Prescott 14. After the child's death , Sister Frances Dominica 15. Bereavement , Betty Davies, Thomas Attig & Michael Towne 16. Ritual and religion , Erica Brown C. Symptom care
17. Symptoms in life-limiting illness , Gerri Frager & John J Collins 18. Using medications , Nigel Ballantine & Nicki Fitzmaurice 19. Pain - an introduction , John J Collins & Suellen Walker 20. Pain - assessment , Anne Hunt 21. Pain - pharmacological management , Ross Drake & Richard Hain 22. Pain - an integrative approach , Leora Kuttner 23. Gastrointestinal symptoms , Marek W Karwacki 24. Feeding and nutrition , Angela Thompson, Anita MacDonald & Chris Holden 25. Depression, anxiety and agitation , Renee McCulloch & Jim Hammel 26. Neurological and neuromuscular symptoms , Kate W Faulkner, Paul B Thayer & David L Coulter 27. Respiratory symptoms , Stephen Liben, Richard Hain & Ann Goldman 28. Skin symptoms , Jacqueline Denyer, Gillian Watterson & Richard Hain 29. Haematological symptoms , Erica Mackie & Marie-Louise Millard 30. HIV and AIDS , Debbie Norval, B A M O'Hare & Rodica Matusa 31. Complementary and alternative medicine , David M Steinhorn & Michelle Rogers 32. Symptom control at the end of life , Dawn Davies & Debbie de Vlaming D. Delivery of care
33. Working as a team , Satbir Singh Jassal & Jo Sims 34. Healthcare providers' responses to the death of a child , Danai Papadatou 35. Place of care , Lynda Brook, Janet Vickers & Muriel Barber 36. Intensive care units , Stephen Liben & Tom Lissauer 37. International aspects , Ann Goldman, David Southall, Simon Lenton & Nicola Eaton 38. Quality assurance , Harold Siden 39. Education and training , Linda Ferguson, Susan Fowler-Kerry & Richard Hain 40. Research , Veronica Dussel, Robert Graham & Joanne Wolfe Appendices
1. Drug doses
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