도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Softcover - 1312 pages . 7/e
Key Features
This market-leading book is written by the most respected team of authors and contributors in the profession.
Comprehensive coverage includes over 200 basic, intermediate, and advanced nursing skills.
Over 1,200 vivid, full-color photographs and drawings aid understanding.
Five-step nursing process provides a framework for description of skills, as related to overall client care.
Rationales for each skill step explain why steps are performed in a specific way, including their clinical significance and benefit, and incorporate the latest research findings.
Unique! Critical decision points address key safety issues or possible skill modifications for specific patient needs.
Unique! Unexpected outcomes and related interventions alert you to what might go wrong and how to appropriately intervene.
Delegation principles discuss your responsibilities when assigning tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel.
Guidelines for reporting and recording list what to document and include examples of proper wording.
Cultural Considerations sections alert you to the care issues unique to people of specific cultural or ethnic backgrounds.
Special considerations discuss variations in the needs of children, older adults, and home care patients, and help you provide appropriate patient education as mandated by the Joint Commission.
Pediatric, geriatric, home care, and teaching considerations address specific patient needs.
Critical thinking exercises challenge you to integrate information on patient assessment and care.
New to this Edition
Over 250 new photos illustrate the most current equipment and techniques. • Improved readability includes a streamlined presentation, with material that’s easier to comprehend. • Skills performance guidelines include key principles that apply to all skills covered within a chapter. • New Using Evidence in Nursing Practice chapter discusses the complete process of conducting research, collecting, critiquing, evaluating, and applying evidence to improve patient care. • A companion Evolve website includes additional review questions, an audio glossary and access to Evolve Mobile, where you can download the skills checklists and video clips for your iPod or MP3 player.
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